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Fyi… have a 20-Questions feature in the new March issue of Shindig! Magazine. The contributors came up with some interesting Q’s…including delving into the new upcoming EP. A ‘good read’ as they say. Thanks Andy Morten, Jon Mills … and everyone involved.
It’s out now 🙂 xx

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  • Bob Davis says:

    Had to wait until the day after the Release Party to pick up my “hard copy” of Shindig–it finally arrived at Vroman’s last week. There was also an article about Karen Dalton, a rather reclusive singer I first learned about when YouTube pointed me to her version of “It Hurts Me Too” a Blues standard I first heard when Elmore James covered it in Nov. 1957 and I bought the 45. Then there was an article about a Hollywood “Go-Go” dancer–I’ll have to see if she shows up in any of the videos from the 1960s. If anyone has trouble finding a copy, I bought a spare.